The Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods provides a unified voice to address and protect the common interests and quality of life issues shared by all Buckhead neighborhoods. Topics such as education, transportation, traffic, community development, and government services are highlighted in most meetings.
2022 Executive Committee
Chairman | Debra Wathen | Paces Battle |
Vice Chairman | Robin Morgan | Margaret Mitchell |
Secretary | Gordon Certain | North Buckhead |
Treasurer | Jeff Clark | Garden Hills |
The Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit established in 2008. The incorporation process is documented in the Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods Bylaws, which were last modified and adopted by the Board of Directors on June 13, 2013.

BCN’s Role in Local Government
The area referred to as Buckhead has 43 officially designated neighborhoods, and sits in 5 NPU districts and 4 City Council districts. The Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods seeks to offer a unified voice for Buckhead residents across these civic boundaries.
Buckhead has 43 officially designated neighborhoods, many with their own neighborhood associations. The Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods is a coalition of more than half of these neighborhoods representing over 75% of the more than 80,000 residents of Buckhead. In addition to providing a unified voice for these neighborhoods, the Council also represents several large condominium associations that fall outside neighborhood lines.
Neighborhood Planning Units (NPUs)
Neighborhood Planning Units (NPUs) are citizen advisory councils that make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on zoning, land-use, licensing, and other planning issues. Buckhead is chiefly located in the NPU-A, NPU-B, and NPU-C boundaries, although it also has neighborhoods in the NPU-E and NPU-F boundaries.
City Council Districts
Atlanta City Council is the main municipal legislative body for the City of Atlanta. It consists of 16 elected members (one for each of the 12 districts, one for each of the 3 at-large posts, and the City Council President). Buckhead is largely contained in City Council Districts 7 and 8, with some neighborhoods in Districts 6 and 9. There is currently also an At-Large Council Representative living in Buckhead.
Highlighted Achievements
- First organization to ask Fulton DA to investigate APS cheating scandal
- Hosted 8 of the 9 APS Board members to discuss the status of Dr. Hall’s contract
- Requested APS inquiry on new North Atlanta HS location & organizational restructuring of Sutton Middle School
Community Liaison
- Coordinated reorganization of Peachtree Heights West in NPU-B
- Organized adding the Brandon neighborhood to NPU-C
- Advocated for Paces Battle Neighborhood to prevent encroachment by GA DOT project
- Catalyst for expedited completion of the Georgia 400 ramps to I-85
- Petitioned for the restriping of Northside Drive & removal of the reversible center lane
Government Advocacy
- Secured a dedicated Zone 2 (APD) Community Prosecutor for Buckhead
- Advocated for Buckhead-centric State Senate District before GA Reapportionment Committee
- Organized initial campaign to address Atlanta Watershed’s billing errors & service issues
Photos courtesy BuckheadView.