BCN Members Version – PDF (login required).
I. Welcome & Introductions
Tom Tidwell called the meeting to order at about 6:45 PM.
II. Approval of Minutes
Minutes for the February meetings were approved.
III. Admit New Member Neighborhood
No neighborhoods asked to be admitted to membership in BCN.
IV. BCN Standing Committees
- SB 133 regarding Governor’s statewide “Opportunity School District” passes Senate 38-17 ( Tidwell outlined his thoughts on the following legislative initiatives: Tom is concerned that the legislation will take up to 3% from these under-performing schools to create a new bureaucracy. He thinks that’s not the right way to fix these schools. The Education Committee met with Vice Chairman Mike Dungeon, Margaret Kaiser, and Beth Beskin. Tom said Mike was adamant that 133 would pass and that it wouldn’t create a new bureaucracy.Tom isn’t sure that it is possible to run the OSD system with just 3%. Tom thought there was a chance to stop the bill in the House.
- SR 287, enabling resolution authorizing a referendum to amend Georgia Constitution to allow OSD, passed 38-15 (needs supermajority).
- City of Atlanta still refuses to transfer property deeds to APS.
- Beltline dispute still in limbo.
- HB 170 Transportation Bill, passed House 123-46.
- Amends definition of “education transportation purposes”.
- Imposes a registration fee on alternative fuel vehicles (electric cars).
- Eliminates state income tax credits for low emission vehicle.
- Eliminates state sales tax on gas and replaces it with a 29 cent excise tax which must be used for “transportation purposes” defined to include “roads, bridges, public transit, rails, airports, buses, seaports…”
- Indexes excise tax to average fuel mileage plus cost of highway construction.
- Tom said that according to his notes of his conversation with Ed Lindsey, 48% of the state’s roads are rated fair or poor but there’s only enough funding to repair 2% of them per year. He said they need to be able to repair 7% a year. Tom said that when businesses consider moving to a new city they look at two things: transportation and education – Atlanta is not doing well with either.
- Tom outlined the proposals under consideration in the Legislature to address transportation. Yolanda Adrean commented that the City’s analysis of the legislation indicated that the city wouldn’t lose funding because of the various changes being considered.
- City Infrastructure Bond Referendum- early voting open until March 13. The only location in Buckhead seems to be Chastain Park Rec. Center at 140 W. Wieuca.
- List of potential projects can be found at
Tom added the list of elected officials to the back of the agenda to enable us to easily contact those officials when we have a comment or complaint. They are as follows:
Alex Wan – District 6
[email protected]
(404) 330-6049
Howard Shook – District 7
[email protected]
(404) 330-6050
Yolanda Adrean – District 8
[email protected]
(404) 330-6051
Felicia Moore – District 9
[email protected]
(404) 330-6044
Michael Bond – Post 1 at-large
[email protected]
(404) 330-6770
Mary Norwood Post 2 at-large
[email protected]
(404) 330-6302
Andre Dickens Post 3 at-large
[email protected]
(404) 330-6041
Rich Golick Dist. 40 (NW section, Paces and Mt. Paran)
[email protected]
(404) 656-5943
Joe Wilkinson Dist. 52 (north of Moores Mill)
[email protected]
(404) 463-8143
Sheila Jones Dist. 53 (west of 75, Fernleaf, Hanover West)
[email protected]
(404) 656-0126
Beth Beskin Dist. 54 (south of Moores Mill and east of 1-75)
[email protected]
(404) 656-0254
Lee Morris Dist. 3 (all of Buckhead)
[email protected]
(404) 612-8200
Hunter Hill
Dist. 6 (most of Buckhead north of approximately Moores Mill Rd)
[email protected]
(404) 463-2518
Finance – Vice-Chair
Veterans, Military and Homeland Security – Chair
Horacena Tate
Dist. 38 (southern part of Buckhead -Loring Heights, Wildwood, Springlake)
[email protected]
Education and Youth
Reapportionment and Redistricting
State and Local Gov’t Operations
Urban Affairs
Vincent Fort
Dist. 39 (southeast portion of Buckhead, Brookwood Hills, Garden Hills, Peachtree Heights East and West)
[email protected]
Education and Youth
Interstate Cooperation
Judiciary, Non-civil Reapportionment and Redistricting
Urban Affairs
V. Speakers: Jim Durrett – Executive Director of Buckhead CID
Jim outlined the status of a number of projects:
- One option is to make it two lanes in each direction and bike lanes on each side. A complication is that churches on Peachtree have on-street parking granted years ago, which leaves just one through lane in each direction.
- Another option considered by GDOT is three though lanes in one direction and two in the other. There would be no bike lanes or the buffer pedestrians on sidewalks get. The three lanes would switch sides at East/West Wesley – three lanes southbound from Buckhead to W Wesley and three lanes northbound from Midtown to E Wesley.
VI. Community Concerns/New Business/Announcements
VII. Next Meetings
- April 16, 2015, the third Thursday.
- May 14, 2015 (back to second Thursdays).
IX. Adjourn – The meeting adjourned at about 8:15 PM.
Note: The opinions expressed by the speakers and individual neighborhood representatives in these minutes do not necessarily represent those of BCN or its member neighborhoods.