BCN Members Version - PDF (login required). I. Welcome & Introductions Tom Tidwell called the meeting to order at about 6:45 PM. A quorum was not present. II. Chairman’s Remarks Tom Tidwell recommended that future meetings of BCN start at 6:50. He also recommended that the committee/liaison structure be reviewed. See item VIII. III. Approval of Minutes Minutes for the … [Read more...]
Board Meeting Minutes: Nov 14, 2013
BCN Members Version - PDF (login required). I. Welcome & Introductions Jim King called the meeting to order at about 6:35 PM. A quorum was present. II. Approval of Minutes Minutes for the October meeting were approved. III. Admit New Member Neighborhoods No neighborhoods asked to be admitted to BCN. IV. Special Guest Speaker: Chief George Turner, APD Chief Turner, … [Read more...]
Board Meeting Minutes: October 10, 2013
BCN Members Version - PDF (login required). I. Welcome & Introductions Jim King called the meeting to order at about 6:35 PM. A quorum was present. II. Approval of Minutes Minutes for the September meeting were approved. III. Admit New Member Neighborhoods No neighborhoods asked to be admitted to BCN. IV. Committee and Liaison Updates Communications Committee No … [Read more...]
Board Meeting Minutes: September 12, 2013
BCN Members Version - PDF (login required). I. Welcome & Introductions Jim King called the meeting to order at about 6:35 PM. II. Approval of Minutes Minutes for the August meeting were approved. III. Admit New Member Neighborhoods No neighborhoods asked to be admitted to BCN. IV. Guest Speaker - Laura Beall, Georgia Regional Transportation Authority Laura Beall is … [Read more...]
Board Meeting Minutes: July 11, 2013
BCN Members Version - PDF (login required). I. Welcome & Introductions Jim King called the meeting to order at about 6:35 PM. II. Approval of Minutes Minutes for the May and June meetings were not approved due to the lack of a quorum. III. Admit New Member Neighborhoods No neighborhoods asked to be admitted to BCN. IV. Guest Speaker - Deputy Commissioner Margaret … [Read more...]